Drink Your Skin Well


Image courtesy of Altrient.com

Vitamin C serums and creams are part of most of our skincare routines with brands like Dr. Murad and Image leading the way with the most effective delivery methods. However, the jury is still out on just how effective any topical application can be in reaching the skin’s dermis in any meaningful way.

It still remains to be true that the most effective way for our bodies to benefit from vitamins is to ingest them. Preferably, this is done with a varied and fresh, organic diet and through supplements when needed.

Humans, unlike most other animals, cannot make Vitamin C, yet it is crucial in supporting our immune systems. In the case of skincare, Vitamin C helps your body form blood vessels, muscle tissue and collagen, helping to plump up the skin and diminish fine lines and wrinkles. It also supports the skin in evening skin tone while also preventing and treating UV damage.

A lot of us will be familiar with Vitamin C, having taken supplements as a child to stave off colds, sometimes in the form of a soluble tablet that becomes an orange fizzy drink. A lot of vitamin C, in soluble form contains a high percentage of sugar, which actually acts to break down collagen in the skin. What is most important to note with traditional Vitamin C supplements, soluble or in tablet form, is that we actually do not absorb most of them. We absorb approximately 70% of a small dose of up to 180mg and less that 50% of anything above 1000mg.

Altrient C is a new type of Vitamin C supplement that is being particularly touted for it’s benefits in skin health and elasticity. It comes in sachets and is in a jelly-like formula that you mix with a small amount of water and knock back like a shot. This formula is actually a patented form of liposmal Vitamin C, that mimics that body’s own cell structure and allows for total absorption.

Each sachet contains 1000mg of Vitamin C. According to a trial by Aspen Clinical Research, a 4-week clinical trial of the products showed participants in the trial had significantly improved their skin elasticity by 32.7% in comparison with those who took the placebo.

A test carried out by a beauty journalist at Topsante.co.uk saw her skin elasticity shoot up by 89% after 3 months. Collagen increased by 39%, hydration had increased by 17% and erythema ( redness) declined by 16%.

We have been using Altrient C for the last two months and have also noticed significant difference in the skin’s plumpness and hydration. It is to be taken on an empty stomach, 15 minutes before food, so it is not a bad idea to take it first thing in the morning. You squeeze the contents of the sachet into a glass and add a tiny amount of water and knock it back like a shot. It is worth using a teaspoon the remove the gel from the bottom of the glass, to ensure it can go back in one go. There is no particular taste and with the water, the texture is manageable when throwing back.

Although we are looking at Altrient C in terms of our skin, it is obviously hugely beneficial to overall health. Vitamin C also plays a role in maintaining gut health and helping our body to excrete toxins by sweating through the skin.

A box of 30 sachets is approximately 40euro, which may seem expensive, however if you are looking to spend money on skincare that has actually been proven to have results while also supporting your body’s overall health, this might be a more cost effective approach.